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In a court appearance Wednesday, St-Amand wore a hospital gown and had several wires on his chest. Police told the court that doctors said he had no physical injuries despite having a cut under his nose and facial swelling, but they wanted St-Amand to have a mental health assessment. In the city of Laval, a suburb of Montreal, incomprehension and anger dominated a day after St-Amand drove his bus into the nursery as some parents were dropping off their children. Witnesses said the driver was delirious after exiting the bus, tore off his clothes and screamed as several people restrained him on the ground until police arrived. Authorities said Thursday that they were still trying to understand what could have led someone to drive a bus into the daycare center.


After these expeditions, France mostly abandoned North America for 50 years because of its financial crisis; France was involved in the Italian Wars and there were religious wars between Protestants and Catholics. Around 1580, the rise of the fur trade reignited French interest; New France became a colonial trading post. Thus also began French military support to the Algonquian and Huron peoples against Iroquois attacks; these would become known as the Iroquois Wars and would last from the early 1600s to the early 1700s.

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Between 2020 and 2021, Quebec took measures to protect itself against the COVID-19 pandemic. It is the largest province by area and the second-largest by population. Much of the population lives in urban areas along the St. Lawrence River, between the most populous city, Montreal, and the provincial capital, Quebec City. Which of the following is an example of a third-party endorsement?

As of 2009 about 60% of exports are made to outside of Canada. As of the 2016 census, the most common immigrant languages are Arabic (2.5% of the total population), Spanish (1.9%), Italian (1.4%), Creole languages (0.8%) and Mandarin (0.6%). The Gendron Commission report of 1968 established the foundations for the white book of the government of Quebec’ linguistic policy. Dependent on commissions of inquiry, this policy statement is also accompanied the Charter of the French language («Bill 101») since 1977.

The decisions of those courts can be appealed to the Quebec Court of Appeal. Finally, if the case is of great importance, it may be appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada. Quebec also has a representative to UNESCO and participates in the Organization of American States. Quebec is a member of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie and of the Organisation internationale de la francophonie.


The forest industry has slowed in recent years because of the softwood lumber dispute. Quebec’s health system is supported by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec which works to maintain the accessibility of services for all citizens of Quebec. While Quebec’s Ministry of International Relations coordinates international policy, its Quebec’s general delegations are the main interlocutors in foreign countries.

The federal government is responsible for criminal law, foreign affairs and laws relating to the regulation of Canadian commerce, interprovincial transportion, and telecommunications. The provincial government is responsible for private law, the administration of justice, and several social domains, such as social assistance, healthcare, education, and natural resources. French Canadians remained opposed to conscription during the Second World War. When Canada declared war in September 1939, the federal government pledged not to conscript soldiers for overseas service. As the war went on, more and more English Canadians voiced support for conscription, despite firm opposition from French Canada.

Learn how to pronounce Quebex

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The Court of Appeal renders more than 1,500 judgments per year. Avian fauna includes birds of prey like the golden eagle, the peregrine falcon, the snowy owl and the bald eagle. Sea and semi-aquatic birds seen in Quebec are mostly the Canada goose, the double-crested cormorant, the northern gannet, the European herring gull, the great blue heron, the sandhill crane, the Atlantic puffin and the common loon. As access to new lands remained problematic because they were still monopolized by the Clique du Château, an exodus of Canadiens towards New England began and went on for the next one hundred years.

99designs is the global creative platform that makes it easy for designers and clients to work together to create designs they love. Tables and forms must look and feel like an app when on mobile. You’ll need to be legally eligible to work in Canada, of course, and speak French . Candidates will also need to either hold a relevant college degree or be in their last year of studying for a relevant degree.

The government hoped to create a strong culture of innovation in Quebec for the next decades and to create a sustainable economy. As of 2011, English is the mother tongue of nearly 650,000 Quebecers (8% of the population). These anglophones, sometimes called Anglo-Québécois, constitute the second largest linguistic group in Quebec.

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March 1971, however, saw the «Century’s Snowstorm» with more than 40 cm in Montreal to 80 cm in Mont Apica of snow within 24 hours in many regions of southern Quebec. The winter of 2010 was the warmest and driest recorded in more than 60 years. This bill, resulting from the Baldwin-La Fontaine coalition and Lord Elgin’s advice, was a very important one as it established the notion of responsible government.

Most Quebecers remain ethnic French-Canadians descendantfrom a fairly small group of 17th century colonial settler families, and many of the province’s most famous cultural tropes harken back to that community’s centuries-old shared rural past. Traditional French-Canadian meals remain hearty “peasant” dishes like pea soup, meat pie (tourtière), andcipaille, a kind of stew. The proud Canadian cliche of maple syruporiginates from Quebec, where it was originally harvested by forest-dwelling farmers in cabanes à sucres (literally, “sugar shacks”). French-Canadian folk songs, such as Alouetteor Les Raftsmen,are often about rural chores, exploring the wilderness, or farm life. Today, Quebeckers enjoy a host of French language TV channels and radio stations, and often have very different pop culture tastes than English Canadians in the other provinces.

If your money is invested sustainably, you can make a difference and make the world a better place. Most can speak at least some English as well, with the city of Montreal — the historic home of Quebec’s powerful English-speaking minority — the most functionally bilingual place in Canada. The legal centrepiece of this is the Charter of the French Language, also known as Bill 101, whose strict rules have governed Quebec language policy for over 40 years.

In 2009, its gross domestic product of US$32,408 per capita at purchasing power parity remains lower than the Canadian average of US$37,830 per capita. The economy of Quebec is ranked the 37th largest economy in the world just behind Greece and 28th for the GDP per capita. The economy of Quebec represents 20.36% of the total GDP of Canada. The provincial debt-to-GDP ratio peaked at 50.7% in 2012–2013, and is projected to decline to 33.8% in 2023–2024. Quebec houses an Acadian community spread out across several regions.

Acadians mainly live on the Magdalen Islands and in Gaspesia, but about thirty other communities are present elsewhere in Quebec, mostly in the Côte-Nord and Centre-du-Québec regions. An Acadian community in Quebec can be called a «Cadie» or «Petite Cadie», and some cities and villages use the demonym «Cadien». As of 2020, 20.8% of Québécois were less than 20, 59.5% were aged between 20 and 64, and 19.7% were 65 or older. In 2019, Quebec witnessed an increase in the number of births compared to the year before and had a total fertility rate of about 1.6 children born per woman.

  • During the summer, severe weather patterns occur occasionally.
  • In 1759, he besieged Quebec for nearly three months from Île d’Orléans.
  • «We don’t know why he did that. We dove on him. We tried to subdue him.»
  • The settlement was built as a permanent fur trading outpost, where First Nations traded their furs for French goods, such as metal objects, guns, alcohol, and clothing.

The Indigenous communities of Quebec have their own police forces. Other notable examples include the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, the Charter of the French language, and the Civil Code of Quebec. Since 1969, the Official Languages Act has guaranteed a legal and linguistic context conducive to the development of the province. Quebec has 78 members of Parliament in the House of Commons of Canada. At the level of the Senate of Canada, Quebec is represented by 24 senators, which are appointed on the advice of the prime minister of Canada. He focused on defending provincial autonomy, Quebec’s Catholic and francophone heritage, and laissez-faire liberalism instead of the emerging welfare state.

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In 2010, this industry generated 487,000 jobs in agriculture, fisheries, manufacturing of food, beverages and tobacco and food distribution. Like most industrialized countries, the economy of Quebec is based mainly on the services sector. Quebec’s economy has traditionally been fuelled by abundant natural resources and a well-developed infrastructure, but has undergone significant change over the past decade.

Firmly grounded in the knowledge economy, Quebec has one of the highest growth rates of GDP in Canada. The knowledge sector represents about 30.9% of Quebec’s GDP. In 2011, Quebec experienced faster growth of its research-and-development (R&D) spending than other Canadian provinces. Quebec’s spending in R&D in 2011 was equal to 2.63% of GDP, above the European Union average of 1.84% and will have to reaches the target of devoting 3% of GDP to research and development activities in 2013 according to the Lisbon Strategy.

Between 2000 and 2011, Quebec had over 9,469 scientific publications in biomedical research and engineering. The contribution of Quebec in science and technology represented approximately 1% of the research worldwide between the 1980s and 2009. As Quebec has few significant deposits of fossil fuels, all hydrocarbons are imported. Refiners’ sourcing strategies have varied over time and have depended on market conditions. In the 1990s, Quebec purchased much of its oil from the North Sea. Since 2015, it now consumes almost exclusively the crude produced in western Canada and the United States.

In 2016, the Mohawk reserves of Kahnawake and Doncaster 17 along with the Indian settlement of Kanesatake and Lac-Rapide, a reserve of the Algonquins of Barriere Lake, were not counted. Almost 9% of the population of Quebec belongs to a visible minority group. First, it is the general court of appeal for all legal issues from the lower courts. It hears appeals from the trial decisions of the Superior Court and the Quebec Court. It also can hear appeals from decisions rendered by those two courts on appeals or judicial review matters relating to the municipal courts and administrative tribunals. Second, but much more rarely, the Court of Appeal possesses the power to respond to reference questions posed to it by the Quebec Cabinet.

The regional novel from Quebec is called Terroir novel and is a literary tradition specific to the province. Quebec’s air network includes 43 airports that offer scheduled services on a daily basis. In addition, the Government of Quebec owns airports and heliports to increase the accessibility of local services to quebex communities in the Basse-Côte-Nord and northern regions. Approximately 1.1 million Quebecers work in the field of science and technology. In 2007, the Government of Quebec launched the Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l’innovation aiming to promote development through research, science and technology.

The Association Quebecoise des Loisirs Folkloriques is an organization committed to preserving and disseminating Quebec’s folklore heritage. The Ministry of Tourism ensures the development of this industry under the commercial name «Bonjour Québec». Quebec is the second most important province for tourism in Canada, receiving 21.5% of tourists’ spending . These employees work in the more than 29,000 tourism-related businesses in Quebec, most of which are restaurants or hotels. 70% of tourism-related businesses are located in or close to Montreal or Quebec City.

The province’s major metropolis, Montreal (Montréal), encompassing Montreal Island, Jesus Island to the north, and several communities on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River, is the second largest city in Canada. Some tried to slow the Grande Hémorragie by redirecting people north, which resulted in the founding of many regions in Quebec (ex. Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Val-d’Or) but also in Northeastern Ontario. The northeastern Franco-Ontarians of today, which are primarily concentrated in Timmins, Hearst, Moosonee and Sault Sainte Marie, are the descendants of emigrants from Quebec who worked in the mines of the area. In recent times, Québécois snowbirds often migrate to southern Florida during the winter, resulting in the emergence of temporary «Québécois regions». A number of governmental and non-government organizations support cultural activity in Quebec. The Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec is an initiative of the Ministry of Culture and Communications .

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